Simple Simon
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Workforce scheduling app




You can make your rosters and personnel plans worry-free with Simple-Simon’s staff scheduling!

A staff scheduling that takes into account personnel availability and in which you get a clear overview of the hours worked. Get more control over your schedule with the all-in-one employee scheduling app of Simple-Simon.


Deploy the right people with the right skills at the right time. Get an overview of the daily planning by filtering or personalize the entire planning board to your own taste and needs.




A staff scheduling that always informs the field staff of a change.

Will anything change in the schedule? The field service immediately receives a push notification of the changed staff scheduling. When opening the app, they will also see what has changed or what has been added to their schedule. In this way, the field service is always aware of the most current planning.

Create direct internal communication by also working with note fields or your own columns.

Personal advice or help with staff scheduling in Simple-Simon?

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Create your personal company schedule

Does the business have a Christmas shutdown, summer shutdown, or any other day when the entire business is closed? Then set up a company schedule. Simons digital planning board always takes your schedule into account! You can also set up different schedules per employee for your staff scheduling.

Set the company schedule in your office module and see this immediately in the planning.

Use Simon’s staff scheduling today!

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Easier and smarter planning – Accessible anytime, anywhere, wherever you are

The real-time synch with the app ensures that the created staff scheduling is always visible on your smartphone. Changes are immediately synced with the Simon work order app so that everyone is always informed about the schedule.