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Microsoft Bookings

Synchronize a schedule from Microsoft Bookings easily with Simple-Simon.

By working with Microsoft Bookings, you choose to easily organize schedules and manage appointments. This way, you can easily streamline your reservations. Help your customers quickly find available times and avoid double bookings. Integrate your Simple-Simon environment with Bookings, and you’ll spend less time scheduling and more on client appointments.

Try the integration now for free. Start your trial here

The integration gives our customers the following benefits:

  • Create a schedule or roster in Simple-Simon, which is then synchronized to Bookings;
  • Through Microsoft Bookings, the customer can enter his or her name, address and a description of the work to be performed;
  • While creating an appointment, Bookings shows your client available time slots. From these available time slots, the client can choose a suitable moment. Prevent double bookings easily;
  • The data from MS Bookings, is then synchronized with your Simple-Simon environment. Customer data, work address, the work order and schedule are added to Simon;
  • Create the integration yourself in less than 5 minutes in your Simon environment, at ‘integrations’.

Maintenance costs of integration

The first year you can use the Simple-Simon and Microsoft Bookings* integration for free. After the first year, the maintenance costs are 410 NOK per month. However, to keep administrative costs low, these are billed annually in advance. These costs are necessary to keep the integration up to date. You can read more about the technology behind the integration and the maintenance costs here. Read the general terms and conditions of use regarding integrations here.

*Please note that in order to use all the necessary API functions, you need to ensure that your Microsoft Bookings license meets the supplier’s requirements for this purpose.

Try now 14 days for free! 

Do you also want to work faster and easier in your industry? Work with the job management software from Simple-Simon and save time, money and ensure a professional appearance. Do you want to experience the benefits of Simon’s job management software with Microsoft Bookings? Sign up for a free trial account! Try 14 days for free.

Free 14-day trial