Simple Simon
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Visma eAccounting integratie met de werkbon app

Integrate Simple-Simon with Work faster and easier.

Good news for all users! Simple-Simon now also integrates with The integration with can be easily set up via the office module of Simple-Simon. Learn more about how you can integrate work orders in from Simple-Simon. Financials

Automate your financial administration and help your team work efficiently. By automating financial tasks and processes, you save more time to monitor business objectives. Easily create your own dashboards and make the right decisions anytime, anywhere based on current and relevant insights. Learn more about managing your financial processes smartly and efficiently. Logistics

Always up-to-date information about your purchases and sales, goods entering and leaving the warehouse, your stocks and when your orders are ready for delivery. Read more about managing your (wholesale) business processes smartly and efficiently. Because you always combine the software with your financial administration, you can easily automate both your financial and logistical processes.


The integration gives our customers the following advantages:

  • Invoice faster and make fewer mistakes.
  • Simon retrieves all your customers & articles from and these are immediately available in Simon.
  • Your work order is processed in Simple Simon, the archived work orders are automatically returned as a sales order or customer invoice.
  • Work order ready? 5 minutes later the invoice can already be sent to the customer.
  • Make work order processing simple, it immediately saves time and money!
  • Easy to arrange yourself, within 5 minutes your link is ready.
  • Get started quickly by creating a test account for fully integrated testing.
  • The integration can be set up via your Simon environment at ‘integrations’.

The integration is fully customizable.

Simply manage your data in one spot.

When you activate the integration via Simple-Simon, becomes the main ERP system. Customers and articles should be added to . Simple-Simon automatically updates according to the mutations that are done in Add your customers and articles to Simon will copy these and you can start creating and planning your work orders/job sheets!

Integrate Simple-Simon with easily.

You can integrate the Simons’ job management software very easily with*. Just simply go to your dashboard and find the “integrations” menu. From here you can easily integrate Simple-Simon with Our step-by-step guide will help you along with the integration!

*Please note that in order to use all the necessary API functions, you need to ensure that your license meets the supplier’s requirements for this purpose.

Maintenance costs of integration

The first year you can use the Simple-Simon and integration for free. After the first year, the maintenance costs are €27,50 per month. However, to keep administrative costs low, these are billed annually in advance. These costs are necessary to keep the integration up to date. You can read more about the technology behind the integration and the maintenance costs here. Read the general terms and conditions of use regarding integrations here.

Try now 14 days for free! 

Do you also want to work faster and easier in your industry? Work with the job management software from Simple-Simon and save time, money and ensure a professional appearance. Do you want to experience the benefits of Simple-Simon with Sign up for a free trial account! Try 14 days for free.

Free 14-day trial Simple-Simon features