Simple Simon
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source: app store, play store
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source: app store, play store


One licence gives access to both office and App!

  • No contract
  • No annual contract or other requirements
  • No price increasing tick boxes or starting from prices
€ 27.50 EUR monthly Per user
  • Free integration Google, Outlook, Apple Calendar
  • One licence per team is sufficient
  • All functionalities, field & office module included

The highest-rated (4.8) work order app comes with the following features:

Office Module
Digital planning board with week, month, and year planning
Automatically send appointment confirmations, instantly visible in the planning board whether the appointment is confirmed or declineds
Set authorization per employee
Management reports
All clients, work addresses, and machines in one central location
Work orders and custom forms in your own branding
Connect with your preferred accounting/ERP system
Create custom forms, such as photos, maintenance reports, and checklists
GPS function to view employees and work orders on a map
Automatically repeat planning at a fixed interval
Set color theme to your preference: light, dark, or colorblind-friendly
Help animations available in the office module
Field Module
Register material usage, optionally with barcode scanning
Time tracking
History always available in the field or at the office
Easily navigate to your task
Take photos on location
Digital signature
Works fully offline
iOS & Android (tablet and smartphone)
GPS function to view employees and work orders on a map
Automatically repeat planning at a fixed interval
Set color theme to your preference: light, dark, or colorblind-friendly

Integration with Cloud accounting software: first year free of charge. After that € 27,50 per month, to be paid annually in advance.
See here where the maintenance costs are based on.

Different training methods to make a smooth start.

Calculate your savings


Save with Simple-Simons Smart Workbon app right away:

  • Your planning is efficient
  • No empty timeframes, no back and forth calls
  • Fewer errors, no loss of work orders
  • No picking up work orders, handing in, deciphering
  • You bill faster

An enquiry with our customers shows that the time saved on administrative tasks is at least 3 to 6 minutes per work order. This calculator calculates with the lower limit: 3 minutes. Per month with 20 working days, 12 months in the year.

Costs Simon


Savings per year :

Save now, Try Simple Simon 2 weeks for free!

Prefer to request a live demo first? Schedule a live demo!


Simple-Simon in various industries:

Installation & Maintenance


Electrical engineering



Air conditioning/heat



