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Easily manage your customers and tickets from HubSpot with Simple-Simon

Working with HubSpot allows you to seamlessly manage data, teams and customers on one CRM platform. It supports businesses in achieving their inbound strategy through a marketing and sales automation tool. This allows you to easily generate, manage and maintain potential customers. Moreover, when you integrate your Simple-Simon environment with HubSpot, you can not only manage your customers, but also easily manage tickets digitally. Want to learn more about the benefits of the Simple-Simon | HubSpot integration? Then read on below or check out our blog.

Try the integration now for free. Start your trial here


Tickets become work orders in Simon

With the ticket system in HubSpot, you can easily manage all of your customers’ questions in one place. That way you avoid overlooking an important question. When you connect with Simple-Simon, these tickets are transferred into Simon as a digital work order. This work order shows the work address which is taken from the company data in HubSpot. As soon as the field service employee has completed and archived the work order, the status of the ticket in HubSpot is automatically changed to “closed”. Among other things, own forms and a work order PDF are added to the ticket as attachments.


Integration benefits for our customers

  • Companies from HubSpot become customers in Simple-Simon. Multiple contacts under one company? These get their own work address in Simon;
  • Tickets in HubSpot become a work order in your Simon environment. This way, you have all your customers’ data directly visible in your work order. Think of work address, a description of the problem and any history;
  • Completed custom forms and a work order PDF are attached to the ticket as attachments;
  • Work order ready? Archive the work order in Simon and it will get the status “closed” in HubSpot;
  • Items are synchronized to your Simon environment;
  • Create the quote in HubSpot. It is filled with CRM data and deal-related data, among other things. As a result, you only need to check, add and possibly delete information;
  • Create the integration yourself in a few minutes in your Simon environment, under ‘integrations’.

Our consultant will be happy to show you the integration. Schedule a live demo

Maintenance costs of the integration

The first year you can use the Simple-Simon and HubSpot* integration for free. After the first year, the maintenance costs are £29,50 per month. However, to keep administrative costs low, these are billed annually in advance. These costs are necessary to keep the integration up to date. You can read more about the technology behind the integration and the maintenance costs here. Read the general terms and conditions of use regarding integrations here.

*Please note that in order to use all the necessary API functions, you need to ensure that your HubSpot license meets the supplier’s requirements for this purpose.

Try now 14 days for free! 

Do you also want to work faster and easier in your industry? Work with the job sheet app from Simple-Simon and save time, money and ensure a professional appearance. Do you want to experience the benefits of Simon’s job management software with HubSpot? Sign up for a free trial account! Try 14 days for free.

Free 14-day trial Simple-Simon features